Hydration in Practice

water yes but make it fun!


Have you heard of Nutrition and Hydration Week?!

I, Camille Vidal founder of La Maison Wellness, am a Holistic Health Coach graduate of The Academy of Healing Nutrition, so I’m here to tell you what Nutrition and Hydration Week is all about.

It's about using nutrition and hydration to bring people together: employing positive energy, focus and fun to educate the masses on the value of food and drink and the importance of maintaining a healthy balance. It's about celebrating and promoting improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration locally, nationally, and globally and we at La Maison Wellness are all about that message and lifestyle!

Now here are my hydration tips for mindful drinkers:

First Drink

Have a glass of water before you drink alcohol.

Double parked

Yes, make sure you have your Mindful Cocktail with a glass of water.

Ice Ice Baby

If it's on ice it will be more hydrating, so make sure to pack it with ice!

Long Drinks

I’m not talking about a pint of gin, I’m talking a long refreshing Mindful Cocktail! Or create your drinks with mixers that are more hydrating and take longer to sip. I recommend using low sugar mixers like natural tonic, kombucha, water kefir or flavoured sparkling waters.

The Sandwich Technique

1 Mindful Cocktail, 1 glass of water. Repeat.

Flavour Your Water

Sometimes a plain glass of water can feel boring for us Healthy Hedonists, so pimp it up with some citrus, refreshing cucumber or watermelon. You could even try strawberries and mint, or some fiery ginger. Make it fun!

Eat Your Water

It’s not always about the beverages: cantaloupe, strawberries, spinach, watermelon, peaches, bell peppers, and cucumbers are all foods with a high water percentage!

Drink up

have a few glasses of water before going to bed if you've had a few alcoholic Mindful Cocktails

Rise and Hydrate

Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Or whilst you are brewing that morning coffee or tea.

Sip Before You Snack

Before you raid the fridge, try taking a sip instead. Sometimes our bodies feel hungry, but we are actually dehydrated.

Carry a Bottle
You are more likely to drink water if it is with you, even when working from home!

Set reminders

And I’m not joking, Healthy Hedonists. There are also apps out there to help you!


Simple & practical perhaps some will resonate with you?


Stay hydrated Healthy Hedonists!

Camille Vidal