Make Mine... Vegan.

Good news: the fun doesn’t stop if you don’t like eggs!


Everyone has a seat at the table at La Maison Wellness so- whatever your motivations for avoiding certain ingredients- know that diet is never a barrier to enjoying a delicious Mindful Cocktail! Whilst most of our recipes are oh-so-naturally vegan, all drinks recipes (classic or mindful) can be made entirely plant-based with the following easy substitutions.

More foam.. No egg!

Show us something more delightful, than a mindful cocktail with a delicate foam (see Strawberry Fields or the American Pumpkin Sour for inspiration!) Egg white is in soo many of you Healthy Hedonists’ favourite cocktails (like classic sours & fizzes) and is used by bartenders for its velvety mouth-feel & light effervescence. Good news: the fun doesn’t stop if you don’t like eggs! Both aquafaba (literally chickpea water) & commercially available products like Ms. Betters Bitters Miraculous foamer (in our Green Mary)will provide a stable plant-based foam that will make your cocktail perfectly foamy!


Plants can be creamy too.

It’s easy to assume that a vegan diet means sacrificing those sweet sweet dessert cocktails like your White Russian or eggnog. Well, we say hell no! There are a huge variety of plant-based milks and creams available and you can even make your own if you’re so inclined… Try the delicious Crème de la Crème if you don’t believe us! With coconut cream and vanilla, even the most avid dairy-lover will be converted. Or for something similarly decadent but less rich, our Lemon Spark uses sorbet (a light and zesty alternative to ice-cream) & bubbles for a mindful end to your dinner party.


No honey for this Hunny!

Whilst honey is a powerhouse mindful cocktail ingredient- with its antibacterial qualities & subtle diversity in flavour- we understand it doesn’t feature in everyone’s diet and that’s ok! For plant-based alternatives, why not try agave nectar or maple? For both these substitutions, it’s important to bear in mind that the relative sweetness will differ (agave is sweeter than sugar by about 50%, whilst maple is less sweet by a similar percentage)… Just trust your tastebuds & adjust the amount accordingly. Remember- you can always add more, but it’s harder to lessen sweetness, so err on the side of caution and taste till you get it perfect! 


Now go forth and preach the plant power Healthy Hedonists! 

Camille Vidal