CBD: The Benefits

Unlock the power, bring on the flavour!


There’s no shame in needing a little boost whilst being badass… so today we talk cannabidiol (or CBD) and how integrating it into your lifestyle (and Mindful Cocktails) can have a positive effect on managing a busy schedule, anxiety, sleep, pain relief… basically, all the good stuff! 

But what is CBD?  

CBD is a natural remedy of sky-rocketing popularity, and just one of hundreds of compounds found in the hemp plant. Crucially, it is legal and does not contain THC other than at trace percentage (the main psychoactive in cannabis and the naughty little molecule responsible for users experiencing a “high”.) This makes CBD an attractive option for those seeking the health benefits linked with the Cannabis sativa plant, without um breaking the law(!) or experiencing any mind-altering effects.

Now for the science bit..                                                   

Preliminary research suggests that CBD helps the body process serotonin- colloquially known as ‘the happy chemical’. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter (the body’s chemical messenger) responsible for wellbeing, appetite, digestion and sleep, among other things and to put it in basic terms… CBD might help our big old brain hang on to more of it. Marijuana has been used to reduce pain since 2900 BC, so I think it’s safe to say that the powers of this plant are tried and tested!  

While there are myriad ways of administering CBD & hundreds of products available (as always, we advise that you do your research) at La Maison Wellness we get particularly excited about its use in Mindful Cocktail recipes


Introducing, CBD Bitters! 

The earliest and most basic definition of the word “cocktail” is a mixture of spirit, bitters, sugar and water. The ‘salt and pepper’ of the bartending world, bitters can be used to amplify certain flavours… and now with OTO, maybe even feelings! Optimum strength CBD cultivated from organically grown hemp plants is combined with a bespoke range of botanicals with antioxidant properties, carefully selected to complement the effects of CBD in promoting calmness and contentment. The resulting flavour profile is herbaceous, citrus and a little floral… perfect for adding that je ne sais quoi to tonics, juices and of course, mindful cocktails!

Now it’s time to try our Mindful Cocktails!

Why not try one of these delicious No & Low alcohol cocktails, with the added power of CBD… For those times we crave stimulation, enlivenment, and the need to unwind and feel good, without compromising our health and spirit.


Camille Vidal