Tea Time


Find your inner balance with this bittersweet refresher

Alcohol-free 0.0%ABV


- 60ml | 2oz Earl Grey ice tea
- 30ml | 1oz maple lemonade
- 3 dashes OTO Bitters
- Top up with sparkling water



Edible flower & lemon wheel

Build ingredients directly into glass over ice & stir to combine flavours. Garnish et voila!

Raise your glass and say santé!

Home-Made Ingredients

Ice Tea:

  1. Combine 4 tea-bags/ scoops of loose leaves of good quality Earl Grey tea with 4 cups of cold water

  2. Leave until fully steeped (no more than 30 mins) then remove the tea. Over-steeping will create a bitter flavour.

  3. Transfer to the fridge until cold

  4. It will keep a week

Maple Lemonade:

  1. Juice 3 lemons

  2. Combine with 1/4 cup maple syrup & 500ml of cold water

  3. Stir until combined

  4. Store in the fridge it will keep a week

    You can dilute with more water but as this recipe calls for a top up of sparkling water this works. if you don’t like fizzy drinks and want it flat then add more water.

Notes & Favourite Flavours

OTO CBD bitters will add complexity to your drink and help amplify the moment. Using the power of CBD, the OTO non-alcoholic CBD bitters have been designed to amplify tonics, juices and cocktails, helping to enhance social experiences and improve overall wellbeing. The resulting flavour profile is herbaceous, citrus and with a hint of floral. OTO CBD bitters can be used to enhance cocktails or as a functional and flavourful alternative to alcohol.