Close Your Eyes…

HOW TO BUILD a daily mediation practice

connection meditation

Mediation is a hot topic, it’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue, and more importantly on everyone’s mind, and it’s the practice that all experts are now recommending. If you’re stressed, meditate. Can‘t sleep, meditate. Tired, meditate!

But what does a meditation practice really look like?
It’s easy to imagine yourself sitting on the top of a mountain, by yourself, while the sun rises and the picturesque environment settles you into bliss, but that’s not really how life is for all of us city dwellers.

So what does a meditation practice look like in our busy everyday life?
How do we meditate in the modern world?

The answer is simple: create a space for connection and quiet, a space where you can turn the volume down. Seat yourself somewhere comfortable and close your eyes. If you have the right intention, (and you’re reading this blog aren’t you?!) then you’re halfway there les amis!

See below my 8 steps to get started:
Remember there are many ways to meditate, find what works for you and don’t hesitate to reach out and ask questions.

”Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
”Tout seul on ne peut faire que peu; ensemble nous pouvons faire tellement”
Helen Keller



2. Drop the expectations

There are loads of expectations and misconceptions when it comes to meditation. We close our eyes and expect something big to happen… To reach enlightenment, or something similarly grand! Drop the expectations and open your mind, just let the experience unfold.

1.Close your eyes

Getting started is the hardest part, we often push back and postpone things we don’t know how to do or where to start.

Begin by closing your eyes for a moment and checking in with yourself.


3. Let go of the judgement

”I can’t meditate, I can’t stop my mind” well good news guys nobody can! That’s just a fact. We can’t stop thoughts coming through, but we can learn how to create space between those thoughts. We can learn to distance ourselves from them in the same way you would watch a cloud passing in the sky.



Breathing is natural and automatic. This is why we don’t pay very much attention to our breath, to the quality of our breath. In meditation your breath will be your anchor to practice and a great way to relax your body and mind.
When your thoughts wander, by bringing your attention back to inhalation and exhalation you come back to the mediation and quiet the conversation with the monkey mind.

5. Be Comfortable

Sit comfortably, let go of the image you see on google of the perfect mediation pose and allow your body to find stillness in a way that works for you. That might be sitting on a chair, against the wall, hugging a pillow to find support, or letting your chin drop down.
Note that lying down or resting the back of your head might make you sleepy. This is the same when it comes to a part of your body that itches or a leg that falls asleep, do what you need to remove that distraction and come back to your practice.

6. Start Small

A few minutes of meditation a day is good enough!
Let go of the idea that to be beneficial mediation needs to be long and/or the perfect experience. There is no such thing as a bad meditation. In an ideal world yes 20min twice a day morning and afternoon is the aim but let’s start with whatever you can do and remember that 5min meditation in the morning or 3 minutes between meetings will make a positive change to your day.


8. Use an App

There are so many good options out there such as: @Insighttimer @HeadSpace and my favourite the @JustBreathe app. You can also choose between guided meditation, music only and timer only. Some days you might want to feel like someone’s gently holding your hand throughout the process; others you don’t want to be stressing over time; or perhaps silence will feel too much and the music will lead you. Tailor your meditation to your mood.

7. Schedule It In

We live in a busy world and life never stops for most of us. Schedule in those moments to come back to yourself, to carve out space for your body and your mind and be at ease for a few minutes. Incorporate meditation into your daily routine in the same way you brush your teeth every morning and evening. Or, even better, use the practice as a tool anytime you feel tired or need to recharge. When you feel overwhelmed come back to your state of peace.


9. Open Your Eyes

That’s where the magic happens… when you open your eyes. Notice how you feel when your eyes are open and you’re filled with a sense of ease and a feeling of being more present. Regardless of whether the experience was gratifying or not the best… you’ve experienced. Mediation enhances life without a doubt.

You have the keys in hand NOW all you need to do is GET STARTED!

Camille Vidal