New Year, New Start


It’s been a challenging couple of years, Healthy Hedonists… and in entering this new chapter, it’s hard not to be affected by the flippancy of “when you realise 2022 is pronounced 2020 too” memes. A fresh start doesn’t have to be triggered by the calendar year, but it’s a good excuse to take stock, realign and manifest positive vibes for yourself and those around you!

At La Maison Wellness we’re strong believers that the motto should be “new year, best you” and we like to brainstorm Good Intentions for the year rather than resolutions.

Here are some tips that you might find helpful when facing the New Year:

1) Reserve Judgement

Honest self-awareness over self-evolution. Knowing yourself, your strength and recognizing your growth and improvement is healthy and crucial to becoming the best version of “you”. But be kind and drop the judgment! Talk to yourself in the same way you would help and encourage a friend.

2) Phrase Positively

Change “don’t be late” to “try to arrive early”: “lose weight” becomes “feel good in your body” (which might not even mean losing weight, but feeling more empowered).

Our internal dialogue has a huge impact on our self. “You are what you think” so be mindful of the wording you use and set yourself up for success and a year feeling good.

3) Foundation First

You would be surprised how many of us choose goals that are not for ourselves. To be able to support our family, friends, or a partner in a sustainable way you need to look after yourself first.

So as they say on the plane… “put your oxygen mask on first before helping others”

4) Manage Expectations

Real change is a process and takes time. One step at a time and most importantly, enjoy the journey!

5) Be Specific

Vague aims like “be more mindful” are harder to implement than “get up 5 minutes earlier and do a body scan meditation in bed every morning”

6) Prioritise

Organise and prioritise. Nothing is more demotivating than a list where you can’t tick anything off, so prioritize and put a timeline on what you can achieve. Make your good intentions for the New Year your game plan.

7) If at First You Don’t Succeed… 

One step forward is one step closer to your goals and dreams and that’s something to celebrate! We prefer to view personal growth as a journey, rather than a quiz you can pass or fail. As long as your intentions are still golden, you’re ace-ing it!

8) Everyday is an Opportunity

Everyday is an opportunity to start over again and continue your journey towards the life you want to live. There is no such thing as falling off the wagon, or giving up because yesterday didn’t go the way you wanted to. As someone wise once said to me “Never just yesterday against today. So go on and keep building this beautiful life of yours.”

Rather than “New Year New You” we say “New Year Still You”!

You don’t need to reinvent yourself. You’re great so keep working on becoming the best version of you.

You don’t need to change the whole recipe, just make the best version of it!

Grow the pile of good things in your life this year with La Maison Wellness, to live mindfully and celebrate life fully!

Camille Vidal