How to Live Happier

Manifesto to live life well


We don’t subscribe to ‘Blue Monday’. At La Maison Wellness we believe that we create the life we want and are responsible for choosing how to react to the hurdles along the way. We believe in the power of manifestation, not in the write-to-the-universe sense, (though that’s cool too!) but in the practical reality that the mind is hella powerful & by very definition constructs your reality. To realise that YOU are what you think and at the control panel... that’s inspiring, but also easier said than done! So, we figured today was a great opportunity to share our tips on “How to Be Happier”. They won’t wave a magic wand at the world, but they are touchstones through which we can shape our own. 

♥ LIVE IN THE PRESENT - This is at the centre of mindful living & everything we believe at La Maison Wellness. Enjoy the now... and if the now isn’t that enjoyable? Focus on the small things that are. The warmth of a cup of tea in your hands, the softness of your clothes. It’s challenging at times but it’s all we have & most importantly, it’s our key to happiness. 

♥ DRINK MINDFULLY & CELEBRATE LIKE HEALTHY HEDONISTS! - If you fancy a Mindful Cocktail to toast to a silly holiday (any excuse to treat ourselves, right?) Then why not try the Blue Funday. With soothing chamomile & a charming colour thanks to butterfly pea powder, make sure the only blues are in your drink this week!

♥ EAT WELL - Soul-nourishing food is what we need!

♥ MASTER THE ART OF MODERATION - And do things that feel good right now & tomorrow.

♥ GET OUTSIDE - Fresh air, natural light & connection to nature is essential.

♥ MOVE YOUR BODY - Even if it’s 5 minutes a day, even if it doesn’t look like the YouTube workout you’ve been meaning to try for months... Stretch, enjoy what your body is able to achieve. Whatever that looks like, it’s a freaking miracle & something to enjoy & revel in. 

♥ PRIORITISE REST - Let your body sleep when it needs & if you’re unable to sleep for whatever reason, meditation can function as a good reset.

♥ MANAGE YOUR STRESS - Find the best ways to manage your stress and that starts with awareness. By being aware you can adjust and give yourself what you need. Create clear boundaries and make sure to constantly refill your cup.

♥ PRACTICE GRATITUDE - Writing down 3 things you’re grateful for each day is so powerful. Even on bad days, it helps us to keep and shift perspective.

♥ RAISE YOUR VIBRATION - Empower your internal dialogue & raise your vibration, you are what you think so bring positive thoughts & practice affirmation. Mirror work is powerful.

♥ CONNECT WITH OTHERS - Not just your family & your best friends: the people that live next door, the communities that have common interests; expand your circle & connect! Technology can be its own challenge, but ultimately we’re incredibly lucky to be able to unite in so many different ways. Make the best of them!

♥ BE KIND - Love always to yourself and others



Camille Vidal