Gin Lovers

Botanical Spirits, from No to Low…


This week we talk all things gin: Mindful Cocktails, botanical spirits and No & Low alcohol alternatives… The easy-going guy at the party, gin is known for being best pals with all sorts of ingredients. Whether you’re a cheerleader for England’s national spirit… or on the fence about all that juniper, we’re confident there’s a product and a recipe for everyone, so read on Healthy Hedonists! 

Did you know?

Contrary to popular belief, gin originated in Holland! We’ve all heard the phrase “Dutch courage” (where soldiers would have a cheeky sip of Jenever before battle…) & it seems that British soldiers liked the tradition & the spirit, which is best described as the great granddaddy of what we know as ‘gin’ today.  

‘London Dry’ can be made anywhere in the world! The style (originating in London) is actually tied to the method of production & is known for it’s crisp profile & predominance of citrus flavours & juniper. 

The definition of a spirit states that it has to be distilled, but doesn’t mention it has to be alcoholic.  That’s the reason why the non-alcoholic alternatives made in the same process as their counterpart alcoholic spirits, can therefore call themselves ‘non-alcoholic spirits’. 

Plant Power

Think of gin as a kind of spiritus tea with the base alcohol acting simply as a carrier for all that delicious plant flavour! It’s unsurprising that the first distilled non-alcoholic spirits were gin-inspired, as the heart of this spirit is in the botanicals & definitely not the alcohol! There is lots of opportunity for variation (juniper has to be present, but not dominant) - think of all the possible delish plant combinations & you get the idea!


Ever present, but not always in a starring role owing to ‘New Style’ gins, the juniper-berry is actually a cone, grown wild mostly rather than cultivated. Over the centuries it has been believed to cure the Plague, bolster Olympic athletes & ease digestion (the latter for which it is still prescribed today.) It takes three years to ripen, so your cocktail is very much a labour of love from Mother Nature! 

Other popular gin botanicals include: orange peel, angelica root, coriander, lemon peel, anise, carraway, cocoa, bitter almonds, orris root; really the sky’s the limit Healthy Hedonists! Which is probably why we are spoilt with so many gin-style products today.

Let’s shake!

Never originally intended for drinking neat, gin is intricately woven into Britain’s cocktail culture, with many of the most classic and famous mixed drinks playing with gin as their base spirit (including, of course, the Gin & Tonic!) The huge scope for flavour means for sure there is a product with botanicals YOU will find delicious, which can then be paired with complementary and healthy boosting ingredients! 

So for those of you who want to moderate but not compromise, who love botanical and gin like cocktails, here are some of La Maison Wellness’ most loved No & Low gin alternatives, with some delicious Mindful Cocktails for you to shake up! 


Seedlip (non-alcoholic)

These guys were pioneers in the non-alcoholic spirits industry and are on a mission to change the way the world drinks with products of the highest quality. They have three unique and complex blends of botanicals: Spice 94, think warm autumnal flavours; Garden 108, with sugar snap and spring vibes; and Grove 42, which really celebrates citrus.

Brand: Seedlip Drinks
Mindful Cocktail: Be The Light A creamy, spiced dessert Mindful Cocktail to celebrate Diwali - the festival of light! 


Lyre’s Dry London Spirit (non-alcoholic)

Lyre's are a wonderful non-alcoholic spirits company that recently launched in the UK from down under! Their London Dry has the closest match possible of bouquet, taste & palate weight to the classic gin style, with jasmine, citrus & orange blossom at the forefront. 

Brand: Lyre's
Mindful Cocktail: Orchard Fizz Long, refreshing & complex, as yummy as an apple pie

Lyres - Dry Lonodon Spirit.jpg

CleanCo Clean G Rhubarb (non-alcoholic)

This is CleanCo’s hangover-free answer to pink gin! Enjoy notes of fruity rhubarb, juniper, and citrus with a subtle hint of coriander, mint and cinnamon. Delicious.

Brand: CleanCo
Mindful Cocktail: Negroni Rosa Your alcohol-free negroni for a mindful aperitivo with character & a touch of rose

MARY (low alcohol 6%ABV)

This is a deliciously low alcohol & low-calorie botanical blend made with responsibly sourced garden herbs. With 6x less alcohol than a standard gin, and basil, sage & thyme as key botanicals, this lesser-known-kid on the low ABV block is definitely worth checking out!

Brand: Drink Mary
Mindful Cocktail: Green Mary A delicious low alcohol cocktail full of flavour, with botanicals for a light touch on the body & the mind!

Fatty’s Organic Pink Grapefruit (lower alcohol 20%ABV)

Half the alcohol, but all the flavour.  A distilled spirit 100% organic made with juniper, pink grapefruit and other beautiful botanicals, this spirit was meticulously crafted as an alternative to the traditional G&T. At just 20%ABV it is only half the amount of alcohol you would expect from a traditional gin, but with all the flavour. One measure is just half a unit of alcohol. The juniper bursts through on the front of the palate with subtle tones of succulent pink grapefruit shining through, this is a zesty flavoursome distilled spirit.

Brand: Fatty’s Organic Spirits
Mindful Cocktail: Citrus Bliss Inspired by the classic cosmopolitan this low ABV Mindful Cocktail is uplifting & refreshing!


Mermaid Gin (alcoholic 40%ABV)

Handcrafted on the Isle of Wight using 10 ethically sourced botanicals, we love everything from the chic bottle to the even chic-er ethos at Mermaid. A smooth yet complex blend of fresh organic lemon zest, peppery grains of paradise, with that magic hint of sea air from locally foraged rock samphire.  

Brand: Isle of Wight Distillery
Mindful Cocktail: Gin & Tea A low alcohol cocktail with gin and green tea for the g&t lovers who want to be mindful!

Mindful Cocktails

Cheers Healthy Hedonists!

Camille Vidal